Benefit Nutrition Protein Plus Soy Protein and Multigrain Cereal

Soy protein & multigrain cereal. Crunchy clusters of corn flakes, crisp rice & whole grain oats. 12g Protein with 9g soy protein. 100% Natural. 1g of Fat. 0 Trans fats. May reduce the risk of heart disease (25f of soy protein a day, as part of a low in saturated fat & cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. A serving of Protein Plus supplies 9g soy protein. Soy Protein & Cholesterol: Many scientific studies have been conducted on soy protein and its effects on heart health and cholesterol. in October of 1999, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, based on many studies, concluded certain foods containing soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of Coronary Heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels . Based on this conclusion the FDA authorized certain foods that contain at least 6.25 grams of soy protein per serving to make a heart health claim provided it is also low in fat and cholesterol. Protein Plus cereal with soy meets all these criteria and is low in calories so getting your daily soy has never been easier or more delicious. Soy Protein & Other Possible Benefits: Countless studies have been conducted worldwide on other possible benefits of Soy Protein for women's health including; Muscle tone, weight loss, colon and breast cancer, osteoporosis and reducing menopausal symptoms. And , for men's health including; muscle tone, weight loss and prostate cancer. Some evidence suggests that the soy bean's high concentration of isoflavones, a naturally plant-made estrogen, is responsible. If you enjoy soy protein daily or are just starting, Protein Plus cereal, with 9 grams of Soy per serving and 12 grams of total protein, is a delicious & crunchy way to add Soy Protein to you daily diet. We encourage you to consult your doctor or nutritionist on this functional addition to your diet; they will applaud your heart healthy decision! Enjoy! Why is Protein Plus Cereal with Soy different? Amazing great taste with a real health benefit! Soy, The functional ingredient of 100% natural Protein Plus cereal with Soy, recognized for its properties that may reduce the risk of heart disease, and now actively studied for its effects on weight loss, muscle tone, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms and even some cancer, is certainly enough o make you a loyal Protein Plus consumer (our consumers write us about their real results), but that's no all. Protein Plus cereal's delicious taste is guaranteed to make it your everyday cereal. Of course we already know that and guarantee that you will agree!