Fresh Eats in Cold Temperatures: Winter Season Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fresh, seasonal produce isn’t restricted to the warmer months—winter has plenty to offer! At Foodtown grocery stores, we do our best to keep our produce department stocked with plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. That means shoppers can eat nutritiously and affordably year-round. While many shoppers find it easy to pick out seasonal spring and summer produce, picking out winter season fruits and vegetables can be a bit more challenging. Don’t worry—we’re here to help!

Which Fruits and Vegetables are in Season in the Winter?

While, yes, many fruits and vegetables thrive in warm and sunny conditions, there are plenty of produce options that flourish in the cooler months of the year. Here are some of our favorite winter fruits and vegetables:

Produce How to Select at the Store How to Store at Home
Beets Beets should be very firm to the touch and free from any soft spots. The “tail” should be slender and in-tact. If the leaves are attached, choose those with crisp leaves that are dark green in color. If the greens are still attached, remove them but leave the “tail”. Store beets in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Broccoli Look for heads of broccoli that are bright green, with no yellow or brown spots. Florets should be tightly compact. Keep the broccoli head as whole as possible. Mist lightly with water, loosely wrap in a paper towel, and store on a shelve in the fridge.
Brussels Sprouts Choose brussels sprouts that feel firm and heavy for their size, with leaves that are compact and bright green in color. Remove any yellow or wilted leaves and store them in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer. Wash only just before use.
Carrots Look for medium-sized carrots that are bright in color with a smooth, firm skin. If greens are attached, remove them. Store carrots in a plastic container filled with water and keep in the fridge.
Citrus Fruits Choose citrus fruits that feel heavy in weight and are free from any blemishes on the rind. Try to choose those with a thin-feeling peel. Fruit should smell citrusy and sweet. Store in a mesh or ventilated bag and keep in a low-humidity crisper drawer of the fridge. Rotate fruits about two times per week to prevent mold.
Kale Look for bunches of kale that are crisp and dark green, free of any wilting or holes in the leaves. Avoid bunches that have yellowing spots. Tightly wrap kale in a paper towel and store in an air-tight plastic bag. Store in the coolest part of your refrigerator.
Pomegranates Select pomegranates that are about the size of an orange, with a slightly squared shape and with a weight that feels heavier than it appears. The skin should be smooth and firm to the touch. Whole pomegranates can be stored for a few days at room temperature away from sunlight or for a few months if stored in a plastic bag in the fridge.
Sweet Potatoes For sweeter flavor, select small to medium sweet potatoes. The skin should be firm and smooth with an even tone all around. Sweet potatoes keep best in a cool, dry area, such as a basement setting. If possible, keep them away from other produce, as sweet potatoes can make other produce ripen faster than normal.


Seasonal Winter Shopping at Foodtown… That’s Smart!

Seasonal produce not only offers an easy way to eat nutritiously through the year, but they also offer more affordable pricing! On top of shopping seasonally, Foodtown shoppers have plenty of ways to save, making budget shopping a breeze. Stock up on these winter season fruits and vegetables during your next visit to a local Foodtown grocery store!

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